Ms. Ninlapat Ployrak

คุณนิลปัทม์ พลอยรักษ์ ลูกค้าจากประเทศ Belgium
คุณนิลปัทม์ พลอยรักษ์ ลูกค้าจากประเทศ Belgium
Sun Gate way(ซัน เกทเวย์)


Customer Voice

I am impressed that there is a project for Thai people abroad to have a house in Thailand. used foreign income There is no need for co-borrowers in Thailand. If anyone wants to build a house in Thailand like us I want you to contact Sun Gateway because it makes our dreams come true. The staff is fully committed to serving us. Always follow us It makes us have a house successfully.

Think of Thailand, Think Sun Gateway

How do customers know about our project?

I know you from Facebook.


Why do customers want to build a house in Thailand?

Created for my family and myself.


What is the reason that makes customers decide to apply for a loan with us?

because it is a state bank that helps Thai people have a home Interest rate is ok too. I studied the details from the whole bank. That I asked the family to inquire with Sun Gateway that I had a conversation with the staff. Everything is very believable. So I decided to do it.


What kind of help do our staff provide?

about various documents and about the process of signing documents at the embassy Mine is addicted to the COVID situation. Cause I may be a little slow or stuck. But the officials are still in contact. always follow me Therefore, I feel that the officers really don’t leave each other.


How is the service of our staff?

Good, say it because it gives a quick answer when we have any questions.


Do you have any impressions from our customers during operation?

I am impressed that there is a project for Thai people abroad to build houses in Thailand. Made me use income from abroad There is no need for co-borrowers in Thailand. I think it’s really good. Made the dream of having a house in Thailand for me and my husband. It can come true. Thank you all Sun gateway team too.


Please tell me something for Thai people abroad who want to get a loan like your customers.

If anyone wants to build a house in Thailand like me, please contact Sun Gateway because it makes my dream come true. The staff is really full of service. It makes us have a house successfully.