How long has the customer been abroad? What is your occupation?
I have been here since 2016 as a cleaning staff.
How do customers know about our project?
I know from Facebook. I have studied the details for almost 2 years.
Why do you want to buy a house in Thailand?
because in the future will go back to live in Thailand So I’m looking for real estate.
Have you ever applied for a loan before?
How are you asking for credit with us?
Personally, I think everything is okay.
In the opinion of customers who have the opportunity to own a house in Thailand using foreign income. What are the opinions of customers?
What impressions do customers have on our project?
Lovely staff give good advice.
What would you like to say to Thai people abroad who are looking for or are looking for the opportunity to have a house in Thailand like a customer?
for living in Thailand If you have a house anyway, it’s good. Anyone interested can inquire with Sun Gateway.