Ms. Maneerat Ashraf, Thai in Malaysia
I’m impressed. At first I thought I didn’t pass. because not working in Thailand But when it comes to the real story, it can use evidence from foreign countries. The staff takes care very well. people who work abroad If interested, please contact Sun Gateway.
How long has the customer been abroad?
Almost 2 years
How do customers know about our project?
I know from a group of Thai people in Malaysia.
Why do you want to build a house in Thailand?
Build a house for your family and myself in the future
Have you ever applied for a loan before?
What is the reason for applying for a loan with us?
see reviews on the page Customers dealing with the company and get a high limit
How are you asking for credit with us?
Help staff from the first step Well recommended.
How is the service of our staff?
take good care
What impressions do customers have on our project?
I’m impressed. At first I thought I didn’t pass. because not working in Thailand But when it comes to the real story, it can use evidence from foreign countries. The staff takes care very well.
What would you like to say to Thai people abroad who are looking for or are looking for the opportunity to have a house in Thailand like a customer?
That is, if people working abroad If interested, please contact Sun Gateway.