How long has the customer been abroad? What is your occupation?
It’s almost 7 years old. I’m a company employee.
How do customers know about our project?
Recommended by an acquaintance.
Why do you want to buy a house in Thailand?
Buy it for the future. plans to return to Thailand
Have you ever applied for a loan before?
What is the reason for applying for a loan with us?
Because it answers the question for Thai people abroad.
How are you asking for credit with us?
Take a reasonable amount of time. Maybe it’s because of the time difference. but the overall picture is ok
In the opinion of customers who have the opportunity to own a house in Thailand using foreign income. What are the opinions of customers?
I think it’s like giving Thai people a chance abroad to have a house in Thailand.
What impressions do customers have on our project?
I am impressed that I have achieved my goal.
What would you like to say to Thai people abroad who are looking for or are looking for the opportunity to have a house in Thailand like a customer?
I would like to recommend Sun Gateway for those who want to have a house in Thailand.