How long has the customer been abroad?
I’ve been here for 8 years.
How do customers know about our project?
I know my way through Facebook.
Why do customers want a condo in Thailand?
as I have been abroad for a long time So I want to go back to live in Thailand sometime.
Has the customer ever applied for a loan before?
What is the reason that makes customers decide to do business with us?
many things Because I live abroad, I can’t get a loan 100%, so I decided to let Sun Gateway take care of it.
How is the process of proceeding?
I had the opportunity to enter the company The officer brought the documents to Zen. Even if I didn’t go, they sent it to us to Zen abroad. Where is the missing document? Officers helped to see
What impressions do customers have on our projects?
fast working stamp The staff is very helpful. Ask anything and answer.
The feeling of having your own condo in Thailand How do customers feel?
Glad, very glad that I had the opportunity to have a real estate under our name. Do not let the house come to help.
Please give a message to Thai people abroad who want to build a house like your customers.
For those who are interested, please contact Sun Gateway first. Staff are ready to give advice and advice. Don’t be afraid. Contact first Fortunately, I found Sun Gateway.