How did you know about our project?
I know you from Facebook.
Why do you want to have a house in Thailand?
Because I’m going back to Thailand in the future.
What’s the reason for the decision to file a loan with us?
Because it’s suitable for foreigners who have the opportunity to earn income from homebuyers in Thailand.
What was the impression of our project?
It is impressive that there are many projects of Thai people abroad who want to have a home in Thailand. I see people all around us who live abroad and want to have a home in Thailand. This project is like another aid to the fulfillment of dreams.
How is the officer’s service?
The staff is very clear on the process, and they’re all very professional, keeping track of it and coordinating.
Give it to the Thai people abroad who want to make the same loan as you.
I want to tell everyone who has a dream of owning their own home even though we live abroad, Sun Gateway.
It’s another part of our dream. All the staff are very professional. Keep up the good work and coordinate.